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IP CCTV System


CCTV or system of video surveillance with analog cameras is actual for average size office or home use. Analog cameras do not give a global expansion and have no additional benefits specific to IP-based cameras.
So what advantages will be got by the user of IP videocameras? Thus, IP surveillance camera has the built-in function of the video output in Internet, because IP is a protocol which unites separate subnets in worldwide network Internet.

IP CCTV SystemIP-video – this is a kind of intellectual environment of new technologies that can scale up to thousands of cameras used at the same time, which is connected to the high-performance servers and storage records. IP-cameras have a large set of built features which are unattainable using traditional technologies CCTV.


So, what benefits will be got by the client, getting IP CCTV System:
– Ease of scaling,
– Easy to install and configure. If you want IP-cameras can be configured remotely,
– IP-camera enables high definition and image quality,
– possibility of video surveillance over  the Internet, that is remote connection to the camera.


IP CCTV System is used in the following cases:
• the object must be installed a few dozen cameras;
• In the future expansion is planned;
• some objects need to be united in one system;
• inadequate low-quality image;
• it is required to look through record from cameras outside the office (with a laptop or smartphone).


In some cases the system of IP video surveillance is comparable at cost with analog or even cheaper. This is due to the fact that it is easier to set up, and often to install. Besides IP systems master more and more manufacturers. Therefore it is possible to find both the budget and expensive solutions.


Certainly, to choose and install qualitative, but not expensive system of video surveillance is a business for experts. Contact us! We are always ready to help you!