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Commercial Aerial


The Ethereal TV is called television broadcasting at which the signal is transmitted by station using electromagnetic waves and can be captured by the television receiving aerial. The broadcasting passes on VHF and UHF waves. Nowadays it is popular to use commercial aerial installation in a variety of property types. These include hotels, schools, hospitals, retirement homes, clubs, new builds, apartments, local authority, shops, offices.


Commercial AerialFor choosing the best variant it is good to know that all aerials can be divided into several groups:


According to the installation site – the indoor and outdoor.
Indoor aerials are those that install indoors. It is necessary to be sure that the level of the TV signal in the office is sufficiently strong.
Outdoor aerials characteristics are stronger, they can receive the signal, where the indoor aerials can not do it, for example, in offices that are located far from the TV station.


According to the type of signal amplification – passive and active.
Passive aerials receive and amplify the signal due to its design. Passive aerials do not involve the use of amplification elements: transistors and other electronic components. Often its characteristics aren’t enough for high-quality reception.
Active aerials can amplify the signal that is obtained by an electronic amplifier.


According to the receiving frequencies – channel, band and the all-waves.
The channel aerials are destined to receive only selected frequency channels. They are not practically used in the offices.
The band aerials are used where it is necessary to take only VHF or only UHF.
The wave aerials are capable to receive signals of both bands at the same time: VHF and UHF. This is the most demanded aerial.


As for the specifications, the client should pay attention to such a figure as the aerials amplification. A unit of measure is the decibel (dB). The higher is this score, the more TV signal can be enhanced. Although it does not always give the best image.


The purchase of the commercial aerial – this is only the first step to get good reception of television signals. The commercial aerial must be properly collected, competently install, connected and configured.


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