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Domestic CCTV


Video surveillance of your own home is becoming increasingly popular security measure in recent years. Thanks to video surveillance system it is possible to keep under control everything that happens in your home while being away from it. Buying a domestic CCTV, you get the ability constantly to keep an eye on the work of the service personnel, repairmen, the child or pensioner, who stayed at home. Naturally, the video camera on the house often act deterrent to burglars, thieves and other forms of antisocial behavior.


Domestic CCTVThe video surveillance set for installation at home includes one or several outdoor and indoor video cameras which are connected over a certain channel (cable or wireless) to a local network, a videorigestrator, the software and mounting hardware.


As the camera defines what will be included to the set for home video surveillance, it is worth paying attention to their features. Video cameras are modular, hidden, dome, case.


Modular or unpackaged camera – it’s just an internal electronic camera “stuffing ” in working order, you select the case independently or hide camera in any element of furniture. The hidden cameras already have any form, for example, of a door peephole. Quite popular and expensive is the dome camera, which is protected by the metal case. To reduce the cost the dome camera are often made of plastic. Nevertheless for home surveillance it is often got the case camera. A variety of prices for such camera depends on its size and design features.


Choosing camera for domestic CCTV, pay attention to such an option, as the IR diodes equipment. As it is the feature that will provide you the opportunity to surveillance in the dark.
In order not only to see but also to hear what is happening many cameras have a special microphone.


For the selection of domestic CCTV optimal set, please contact our experts.